
Landezine is the most visited website in landscape architecture and features the largest collection of landscape projects online. Landscape architects are welcome to submit built projects, office profiles or job advertisements. Manufacturers are welcome to send their products relevant to the work of landscape architects. Not every submission we get is necessarily published. You may first send us one or two photos or a link to your website and we might get back to you.

If you think we should include your projects in our collection at, subscribe for a review of your website. The review is free of charge.

Fill in your email and website url bellow and click ‘Subscribe’. Someone from our team will be with you shortly and let you know which of your projects we find suitable for our selection.


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12 thoughts on "Submit"

  1. Hello! We just published our new web site! It has not be translated in english yet but soon will be. Check it out and let mw know if you would like to feature any of our projet. we are a small canadian firm working all across the territory. We love children’s environnent and working with first nation community. Would love to ear from you! Have a great day.

  2. We have dozens of projects we would like to show, in hopes you would post 1 or 2. We have downloaded your file structure but thought you all could visit our site before we complete the submission folders for each project. Thanks!

  3. Hi we are interested in posting a job advertisment for a position within our office on Landzine- can you tell me how much it costs to do this, the duration of the add , etc etc
    I look forward to hearing from you!

  4. Hello , this is our new website portfolio. Would love to hear from you.Have anice day!

  5. Hello,
    Our company is the leading Russian manufacturer of urban furniture, outdoor sports complexes and HoReCa furniture.We would like to show our products on your website.Please check our website and give your answer.

  6. Katerina says:

    We have entered Shell Cove in the awards and would like to list on your website. Will I just go through the normal channel to do this, or as it is entered into the awards will it get assessed for your website. I look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Julian Smart says:

    Hello how are you?

    I am writing to see if we can post some of the work from our office. Our website is still under construction, but in the next few weeks we will have the launch.

    Thank you very much

  8. Ciao Landzine!
    Congrats on your work in disseminating landscape culture. We have been following you for years with interest.
    We hope we can join your network. it would be really great!
    : ) ; ) : )

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