Boerenhol’ [Park]ing

Wagon-landscaping The Boerenhol’s [ParK]ing is an experimental garden. The main question was  how to recycling form, usages and the soil of a parking to create a new public space? We must find innovative and ecological solution in a world where soils are more impermeable. The idea to remake a fertile ground from parking contributes to this debate.

Landscape architecture: Wagon-landscaping
Location: Courtai (Belgique)
Client: Courtai (Belgique)
Design: 2009
Construction: 2009
Area: 800m2
Budget: 22 000 euros
Image credits: wagon landscaping ©

3 thoughts on "Boerenhol’ [Park]ing by Wagon Landscaping"

  1. Embodied Wonderful project car parking! Great idea! Superb range of plants!

  2. Roman says:

    Ura! Ura! Ura!

  3. This is a great innovative design! I love it!

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