Origami Wall: W90

The W90 system is a premium vertical garden solution for interior and exterior walls. The thoughtful design of the pure geometric structure constantly changes its appearance as it’s getting overgrown by organic flora, literally bringing the space to life that never gets old even after years.

The interior vertical system uses separately removable flowerpots. It is equipped with drip irrigation and drainage. 8 plants are used per 1 m2, which means that the operation costs pose a fraction of those of all-green walls, whether you count the number of plants, their continuous renewal or water consumption per m2.

ORIGAMI WALL is an original solution of concrete blocks, which pushes the boundaries of functionality and usability beyond ordinary vertical gardens. The system can be used as a retaining wall for landscaping or as a vertical wall for the interior and exterior.

The geometric structure creates a gallery for growing various species of plants with its niches allowing each plant to stand out, regardless of its size or species. Whether you are carefully planting the wall, or it remains empty, the graphic structure guarantees a quality appearance, even during its continuous renewal.

PDF Catalogue: ORIGAMI-WALL-2022-W90-EN

ORIGAMI WALL emerged from the absence of a high-quality solution for a retaining wall and a vertical garden in one. Especially today, when the space of private gardens is shrinking, the ORIGAMI WALL project aims to bring local vegetable growing to even the smallest gardens and backyards. The retaining wall project emphasizes multi-functional and visually high-quality features that will enable local gardening for people in residential areas in populated cities.

The specificity of this green wall is the ability to respond to greenery, which decreases in the winter months. Origami wall is able to maintain visual quality and run a winter dormancy without losing its attractivity.

Characteristic polygonal texture as well as the variability of its use gave it the name ORIGAMI. And so the ORIGAMI WALL project was created – a system connecting a retaining wall, decorative wall and vertical garden in one.


Origami W90 is a system that gives you freedom in how you use it. Do you want a green wall or a 3d texture? You can leave the wall overgrown as well as leave it in its crystal clear form. You can also add a sound system or use it as a display for product presentation.

The geometric structure guarantees a visual experience even when planted with small plants, during the growing season and in the event of the loss of a plant.


Every plant is sensitive to pests. When this happens, the raster structure of the ORIGAMI system slows down the multiplication of pests or is eliminated by the distance between plants, individual pots and drip irrigation.


When purchasing a green wall, it is necessary to take into account its operation. A typical green wall needs 30 – 60 plants per square meter. Our system covers only eight plants per square metre. The operating costs are thus lower both in time spent on maintenance and the ongoing renewal of plants to keep the wall attractive continuously.


The W90 system features drip irrigation, which allows the optimum amount of water to be set for each plant.


Do you want to spontaneously add a different flower to the wall? The W90 system allows you to quickly rearrange the plant without cluttering up your space. Simply pull out a pot from the gallery and insert another; for example, a flowering annual that will make you happy during the summer months.

On the terrace or façade, you can store the plants for the winter and enjoy, in turn, the play of light and shadow that changes dynamically during the day thanks to the geometric structure.

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