Steora Cyclo Bench

Multifunction outdoor seating for an increasingly connected and mobile world. Not just a handy and stylish spot to park your bike or scooter and relax, the Steora ‘Cyclo’ solar powered bench keeps you connected and on the move by recharging your phone or smartwatch, powering up your laptop, giving a boost of energy to your e-bike or e-scooter and even pumping up deflated tires.

Solar cells unobtrusively molded into the slats of the seat and backrest generate 165W of energy to feed the 320W Li-Ion battery pack which powers Qi pads and fast charge USB ports, a 120V outlet, ambient night lights, environment sensors, a telemetry device, and optional WiFi modem. A concealed compartment opened by NFC equipped phones contains a set of useful tools for quick bicycle tune ups or adjustments.

Data from the environment sensors and recordings of the PV cell power generation, battery condition and power output can be accessed remotely at any time via a web browser using the proprietary ‘Solos’ software, which can also provide alerts on system faults or unauthorized movement of the benches.

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