Take-Out, the Configurable Next Generation of Connected Seating

sponsored by Landscape Forms

Connected seat dining tables are beloved for their hallmark simplicity, but often lack the versatility to create dynamic, adaptable outdoor settings. This changes now. New from Landscape Forms, a leading designer and manufacturer of high-design site furniture, Take-Out expands the scope of the connected seat concept, bringing modern refinement, simplified lines and—most importantly—adaptability to the category. Light enough to be picked up, arranged and rearranged, Take-Out simplifies the creation of multifunctional outdoor settings, offering a multitude of ways for people to connect through a simple and elegant site furnishing.

The beauty of achieving more with less.

While adaptability was the central motivation behind Take-Out’s design, retaining the minimalist and unified silhouettes that make connected seating so compelling was a welcome challenge for designer, Rodrigo Torres. “The beautiful challenge was to create something simple, powerful, bold, iconic, with strong value and able to be manufactured in the USA,” describes Torres. “So with Take-Out we used the minimum amount of shapes to achieve the maximum effect—a structure that’s robust in its construction, flexible in its function, fluid in its simplicity and playful in its attitude.”

A simple solution for every situation.

Take-Out is comprised of five different yet intercompatible silhouettes: A single-seater, a double-seater, a triple-seater, and two triple-seaters with wheelchair access on either the left or right side. Take-Out modules are equally suited to stand alone or work together in myriad arrangements. Placed side-by-side, Take-Out can form a long run of seating and surface for group meals, meetings or brainstorming sessions. Arranged in a grid, Take-Out makes for a lively outdoor café atmosphere. Arranged face-to-face, Take-Out can form an ever-expandable communal picnic table. Standing alone or configured side-by-side, Take-Out offers an elegant way to maximize the usability of edge spaces or spaces abutting walls and dividers.

Capture the mood of the moment.

How we sit in relation to one another can have very different emotional connotations: Sitting side-by-side, we feel casual and relaxed, sharing a cozy moment as the world passes by in front of us. Sitting face-to-face, the focus is more deeply on one another, engaging in intimate conversation or collaborating on a shared project. Take-Out shines in both these contexts and more, enabling designers of space to bring people together in tailored ways that accurately reflect the character of the occasion.

Create comfortable, lasting connections.

Gently curved edges eliminate pressure points on the elbows and behind the knees while also lending Take-Out a warm, welcoming gesture. With sheet metal tops and extruded aluminum verticals, Take-Out’s design and component materials are simple, concise and enduring.

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Published on August 20, 2021

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