Metal Collection

“After having given furniture in the public space the level of comfort, design and choice previously reserved for private furniture, we now want to see people take full ownership of their city.

Montreal chair and bench, Atlanta simple bench, Michigan chaise longue, Narcisse litter bin, Halifax leaning rail and Chicago Bench-Table are the elements of the Aréa connected system that allows the public space to increase the quality of life of our fellow citizens and becoming a “living room”.


Our expertise we have acquired in the work and finishing of steel has led us to develop a true system based on «metal strips» which is benefit to all our furniture and allows to treat in a total aesthetic coherence all the needs of the city.

Steel is among the most durable materials because it is robust, infinitely recyclable and effectively recycled. Strong, rigid and resistant, it is also easy to maintain, neat and clean thanks to powder coating. Worked in the form of strips, it dries very fast, which makes it usable quickly after rain.

All the products of the system have pure, graphic and timeless lines, the Aréa metal system is part of a reality that lasts.”

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