Drifter Picnic Sets

This extremely sturdy Drifter Picnic Set is made of reclaimed mooring posts. The 30- to 40-year-old tropical hardwood is certified FSC recycled 100% hardwood.

These enormous picnic tables are an example of circularity (second life, locally sourced, very long lifespan, and indestructible). Drifter Picnic Sets can also be made from the wood-free alternative Lava Grey. The supports and brackets are made of CorTen or hot-dip galvanised steel and optionally powder coated in a RAL colour.

Length hardwood (EU): 120, 200, 300, 400 and 500 cm
Length hardwood (North America): 200, 300 cm – 79” or 118”
Length Lava Grey: 120, 200 and 300 cm – 47″, 79” or 118”

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