Planungsbüro DTP Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH (DTP) designs and builds urban landscapes, which we view as stages for human activity: Our philosophy is to plan what’s necessary while leaving scope for spontaneity – namely for human beings with their ideas and needs. We want to get people excited about the future and motivate them to help shape it – not least by actively involving end users in our work.
The areas in which DTP is active include landscape architecture as well as urban development and environmental planning: The more than 25 employees at the company’s office in Essen (Ruhr area) are interdisciplinary lateral thinkers and solution-finders with wide-ranging project experience.
We bring aesthetics, design and the particular atmosphere of a place into harmony without losing sight of the economic framework: Our ideas and solutions are realistic, cost-conscious, and compatible with everyday life. Fundamentally, they are developed with an eye on long-term maintenance, value retention and saving resources. Nature in urban spaces is an element we also want to preserve and make tangible for people.
DTP works with a focus on service – from idea to implementation, the “one-stop-shop” principle applies throughout. Here, we see ourselves as a central partner and point of contact for our clients from both the public and private sectors. We are specialists who develop complex solutions in interdisciplinary teams and provide advice based on our own opinions.
Our employees also score points for the breadth of their qualifications: From practitioners with vocational training in horticulture and landscape gardening plus subsequent degree courses to university graduates with vocational experience abroad. If required, we can also make use of our broad and proven network of cooperation partners.