Petite Ceinture

In 2018, Paris City Councill decided to open “Petite Ceinture” to citizens : a large railway wasteland all around Paris. Wagon Landscaping took part in the Ceinturama group which was in charge of activating this progressive opening.

First actions started with site walks and workshops open to habitants, associations and technical services to develop diagnosis, mainly focused on spontaneous plant and ways of maintaining. Then, Wagon Landscaping proposed project on different abandoned sites, based on natural dynamics and light maintenance involving social integration structures.

The “Rue de la Marre” square is the very first garden, opened to public, next to Buttes Chaumont parc and menilmontant street, on 20th district. Garden is organised on a long and large open space connected to streets and dwellings around. Terraces and benches remind railway platform; gardened edges and small copse mark wild deepness on surroundings.


Landscape Architecture: Wagon Landscaping

Location: La Petite Ceinture, Paris, France

photos: Yann Monel + Wagon landscaping

COLLABORATION: Bruit du Frigo ; Anne Labrouille

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