Wagon-landscaping: The temporary garden “Jardin des Joyeux” (happy garden) took place in 2016, on a car park area located in the heart of Maladrerie garden-city, in Aubervilliers (Paris surroundings). This abandoned parking has been destroyed in 2015 and was considered by inhabitants as a none interest wasteland, kind of backyard and noisy place, just next to social buildings. In a context of urban renovation, this place progressively changed around. Social landlord decided, with “extra low” budget to transform this car park in a garden, in accordance to the garden-city, offering new way of living and looking to the people around.
The garden concept emphazises site and its arid context :
– creating a place inspired by the XIX-th century Alpine gardens, where rich and ornamental plants grow on poor soils.
– developing a rock garden inspired by XIX-th century english gardens, using asphalt and concrete as a basement for planting, without any exportation
Project ambition is to transform a poor mineral place in a biodiversity garden, recycling materials on site with no exportation, enriching soil and planting various plants species. We wanted to develop “low-tech” landscape project. In that way, more than 200 species of plants chosen for their behaviour in extreme conditions (drought, poor soils and shallow grounds, variations of temperatures…) and their self development (adapted to rare and punctual maintenance) were planted.
Garden is organized in four parallel areas :
“succulent garden”, based on gravels, where sedums proliferate
“central meadow”, where is condensed diversity of perennials, shrubs and seeding
“path”, a pre-existing pavement, offer visitors to walk inside the garden
“planted edge”, where bushes and pioneer trees create visual limit garden and living dwellings.
Jardin des Joyeux, Aubervilliers, France
Designer and Builder: Wagon-landscaping
Customer : OPH Aubervilliers
design year : 2016
year of construction : 2016
area : 1600 m2
budget : 35 000 €
image credits: wagon landscaping
Sehr schön!!!!!
What are the plants used
Very interesting! You call it “a temporary garden”. I was wandering if it’s still there, and how it has grown and transformed in the months/years after the first settlement. Thank you!
Yes, it’s longtime “temporary garden” 🙂 We are still gardenning it!!!
Fascinating work!! I share your enthusiasm for gardening/design interventions in spontaneous urban wild areas. Would you be interested in an interview with me for my research on this topic?