Stadtpark Papenburg

RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten: The framework of the regional garden show Papenburg 2014 enabled the redevelopment and redesign of the city park as well as its functional adaptation to current requirements. The new park design supports its transformation: having been a nearly transparent transit space, the new park now serves as a central element of Papenburg’s city due to a modern activation of the area by adding new contents. The previous network of footpaths has been carefully modernized considering the park’s historical structure and the existing vegetation. Besides the main trail, boskets shape the park space.

These compact structures of trees and shrubs break the monotony of the old city park and re-structure the area for the different groups of visitors without sacrificing its overall character. Furthermore, existing solitary tree were pruned to strengthen and guide visual connections. Uniform tree species were planted in adjacent areas. By doing so, exciting new visual relationships evolved because of the large lawn areas interspersed with homogeneous tree shapes, creating interesting light and shadow effects. The new sight lines lead deeply into the park and also emphasize the connection between the city and the park’s entrance. All these structures form a sustainable framework and create a new and attractive recreation space for the citizens of Papenburg.

Landscape Architecture: RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten:
Client: Landesgartenschau Papenburg 2014 gemeinn. Durchführungsgesellschaft mbH
Period of time: 2012-2014
Costs: 4,1 Mio. Euro
Area: 15 ha
Development: LP 1-8
Photos: Juliane Werner

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