La Rosa Reserve Stream Daylighting

Boffa Miskell: Stream day-lighting is the practice of bringing buried pipes to the surface and restoring natural streams in their place. Naturalised streams offer multiple benefits over pipes, including restored habitats, enhanced stormwater management, and a natural asset for the community to enjoy. In December 2010, the Mayor’s office chose La Rosa Reserve in Green Bay, West Auckland to be the “flagship” Mayoral stream day-lighting project. Two tributaries of the Avondale Stream were daylighted from their culverts for a combined 200m length. La Rosa showcased bioengineering techniques for stream restoration, and illustrated how a community can be reconnected with their local stream.

© Boffa Miskell

Community and Iwi were active partners, embracing the project in early engagement, and involved through community artwork, planting design and installation, pa harakeke, and orchard design and installation. The local community have taken ownership of the project, with local schools, day-cares, and special needs facilities using the reserve as an outdoor classroom, and community groups undertaking fish surveys, planting, and ongoing care of the stream. The project was initiated and managed by the Auckland Council Stormwater Unit, with Boffa Miskell as Design Managers, working closely with EDC as engineering design consultants. HEB Construction undertook the physical works, and Auckland Council’s Sustainable Catchment team managed community engagement.


Project Name: La Rosa Reserve Stream Daylighting
Client: Auckland Council Stormwater, Tom Mansell
Lead Design Consultant: Boffa Miskell
Project Elements: Stream restoration, boardwalks, pathways, viewing platforms, bridges, design for aquatic ecology, temporary and permanent artworks, community orchard
Boffa Miskell Roles: Project Management, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Construction supervision
Boffa Miskell Project Leader: Mark Lewis
Boffa Miskell Team: Lindsay Kirkpatrick, Eddie Sides, Sam Bourne, Larissa Moyle
Other key consultants: EDC Ltd, HEB Construction Ltd
Project Dates: 2012 – 2014
Photos & Text: Text: Boffa Miskell Photography: Claire Hamilton, Auckland Council, Boffa Miskell

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