Landscape Architecture: Batlle i Roig (Enric Batlle, Joan Roig, architects, Teresa Galí, agricultural engineer)
Location: El Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona, Spain
Design: 2002
Construction: 2003-2010
Area: 85 Ha
Cost: 26.000.000 €
Photos: Eva Serrats, Jordi L.Puig, Jordi Surroca
I was lucky enough to be shown around by some of the design team a couple of years ago as a student at BIAD. Really this is a remarkable and very inspiring project. The hydrological systems are designed to seperate the runoff from the groundwater and the seeded species are all selected with soil creation in mind. When the tree and shrub layers come up, this will be a great hiking destination in years to come.
It goes to show that with a bit of thought great things can come from rubbish