Pedestrian zone in Bad Salzuflen

scape Landschaftsarchitekten: The inner city of Bad Salzuflen has an important regional significance as a shopping, gastronomy and service location. The city centre is essentially characterised by its historical buildings and its exciting spatial sequence. The open space design creates the missing identity and readability, as a positive impulse for the image of the city.

A sequence of promenades and squares is created. Linear pathways alternate with places to stay and orientate. The redesign of the “Schliepstein” forms an eye-catching starting point to the inner city.

The various urban spaces and the architecture are combined into a single unit by creating a continuous paving carpet. A banding in the pavement sets punctual accents and creates an individual character in the different parts of the pedestrian area. The varied use of trees creates an additional contrast. Attractive areas for outdoor gastronomy and displays will be established, as well as a spacious central zone inviting visitors to stroll and stay.

Office name: scape Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH (Matthias Funk, Hiltrud M. Lintel, Prof. Rainer Sachse)
Client: City of Bad Salzuflen
Project leader: Prof. Rainer Sachse
Co-workers: Judith Heimann, Susanne Hoffmann
Project location: Am Schliepsteiner Tor, 32105 Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Design year: 2012-2014
Year Built: 2014
Area: 2850 m²
Budget: 1,6 Mio. €
Photography: Nikolai Benner

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