Lindevangs Park

Marianne Levinsen Landscape: Cloudbursts and increased flooding are regular occurrences in many urban areas today. The task of Lindevangs Park is to respond to the challenges of a wetter future by looking at ways to adapt the urban landscape. The project is based on the existing park, Lindevangs park, where new initiatives with dual functions are designed. These solutions solve flooding issues and doubles as the public space “Sløjfen”, a new communal city garden and an open grass field with a stage for various activities.

Underneath “Sløjfen” is a huge reservoir for the rain water and surrounding the square a 78 m long spiral-shaped water wall is created. The elements are all combining climate change solutions with new activities and experiences in the park – and at the same time they are writing an overall story of the water’s way by running through the park. Residents and school classes are invited into the learning environment, where they can experiment with water, visit the city garden full of blackberry bushes and apple trees and play on the grass field.
Lindevangs Park is nominated to Danish Landscape Prize 2017.

Landscape Architecture: Marianne Levinsen Landscape
Name of the Project: Lindevangs Park
Situation: Frederiksberg, Denmark
Completion date: 2015
Area m2 / sq ft: 21000 m2 / 226042 sq ft
Photograph: Torben Petersen
Collaborators: Client: Frederiksberg Council, Frederiksberg Water Supplier
Engineer: Niras A/S

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