Middle Pader Springs Area, Paderborn

The Paderquellen (Pader Springs) is a nearly pristine semi-natural area in the immediate vicinity of Paderborn’s urban-historical cultural landscape, with its special topography of historical monuments. The reconfiguration of the open spaces comprises the renaturation of the unique inner-city springs and river courses as well as the creation of new vantage points amidst the central Paderquellen. By opening up the green spaces and improving the routes through the source region, the river landscape is made more perceptible and the spatial connections are strengthened.

The forecourt of the Paderhalle is supplemented by groups of trees and seating and enlarged to become an extended foyer that invites visitors to linger. Large bench elements line the square and demarcate it from the car park. In special areas, stepped seating built into the riverbank create new opportunities to sit and relax.

The site of the former Haxthausenhof is spatially bounded by rhododendrons and developed into an urban garden. Sculpted lawnscapes allude to the historical location of Villa Haxthausen and, together with the historical garden wall that has been lowered in parts to seat height, refer to earlier aspects of the site.


Client: City of Paderborn

Project period: 2016 – 2020

Size: 11.000 m²

1. Prize Federal Urban Green Award 2020 / Category Built
1. Prize polis Award 2020 / Category Reactivated Centers
Award “Exemplary Buildings NRW 2020”

Realisation: WES LandscapeArchitecture with Hans-Hermann Krafft, Berlin

Photo: Helge Mundt

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