Kleine Wildnis Park in Osdorf

The Kleine Wildnis (little wilderness) in Hamburg Osdorf is a three-hectare area that has been largely left alone for many years – a fact welcomed by both local residents and the Altona district administration. The wilderness is a public park and is also part of the city’s 2nd green belt. This is why our planning process has considered the issues of traffic safety, accessibility, nature conservation and recreation.

The area should remain a non-intensively designed public park and retain its role in conserving nature. The first planning phase for the Kleine Wildnis in Osdorf set out the following objective: to bring together biological diversity and recreation in a green space. 

A utilisation concept was then developed for the area. Play and recreation areas were created as ‘nests’ integrated into the natural vegetation. Wild areas are protected by hedges made from dead wood and man-made elements create contrasting accents.

This project was developed in collaboration with Hamburg landscape architects Berthold Eckebrecht.

Landscape Architecture: Gruppe F

Other designers involved in the design of landscape: Berthold Eckebrecht

Project Location: Osdorf, Hamburg, Altona, Germany

Design year: 2015 – 2020

Year Built: 2018

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