Alsike Park

Current plans for Alsike envisage the development of a new city between Uppsala and Arlanda airport, through the construction of 2,000 new dwellings and a new railway station. The primary public meeting place in the area will be the 2.4-hectare park. The first stage of the park’s construction is slated to coincide with the first phase of development: as such, as the surrounding area begins to take form, informal playgrounds and sports fields, as well as a new school, will already have been completed. The design of the park was developed in close collaboration with the actors responsible for recreational activities at both the municipality and the new school. The scheme follows a structured approach, in which bands of deciduous trees have been used to frame and enclose spaces for play and ball games. Clearings within these groves of trees provide spaces for activities. The planting schedule consists of young forest trees that over the course of 15 years will be trimmed to create a mature, forested glade.

Project location: Alsike, Knivsta, Sweden

Design year: 2017-2019

Year Built: 2020

Photography: Robin Hayes

Client: Alsike Fastighetsbolag AB, City of Knivsta

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