The aim of the design is to develop an overall concept for the Leubinger Fürstenhügel service station and rest area that combines architecture and open space on a content and design level and integrates itself into the context of the flat undulating hill country. This creates an independent and concise place, which on the one hand does justice to the historical significance of the Leubing burial mound, and on the other hand to the functional necessities of a rest area. At a further level, an independent communication design is developed, which vividly explains the historical and touristic highlights and is an integral part of the overall landscape.
The connection between architecture and open space is made clear by the dialogue between the two main components, the existing Leubing Fürstenhügel and the newly constructed tank facility. This dialogue is characterized by its restrained, reduced and at the same time unambiguous design. Both elements are connected by a clear path structure, which finds its exit at the tank facility and leads the visitors to the princely mound. The burial mound is enclosed by this structure in a circular shape, in that the diameter of the core mound is imitated as a path loop. In doing so, its present-day formulation remains as such; the clear setting alone marks and stages it as a historically outstanding real exhibit. The path system is completed by selectively integrating information elements that refer to the historical significance of the gravesite and provide visitors with important information.
In addition to the structural linking of the landscape and architectural elements, a variety of visual relationships are established between the filling station, the Fürstenhügel and the adjacent cultural landscape. The formal orientation of the gas station is based on the visual relationship to the Fürstenhügel and thus develops a meaningful connection between the two objects; a panorama window enables extensive visual references to the adjacent landscape. The Fürstenhügel, as the highest point on the terrain, receives a discreetly integrated viewing platform, which in its open, circular form allows a 360º view.
As a further special ‘landscape element’, a landscaped terrace will be built in the area of the compensation areas, which will be connected to the rest area via a gravel path and, in addition to the experience of the emerging vegetation areas, will provide a contemplative place with a direct reference to the landscape.
Photo credits: © MONO Architekten | Gregor Schmidt
Team: Mono Architects, MUS Studio
Design year: 2017-2022
Year Built: 2022