Rough&Ready Curved Benches

With their curved shape, Rough&Ready (R&R) Curved Benches have a distinctive appearance. These benches consist of transverse modular beams mounted in a self-supporting comb. The 200 cm-long modules can be linked together to create any desired length. Arm- and backrests are available as optional add-ons. Backrests consist of a rounded back element that can be mounted almost anywhere on the bench. In addition to wood, the seat beams are also available in All Black plastic recyclate. Thanks to the orientation of the beams, the bench has a natural anti-skate protection.

Seat depth 40 cm – 16”, minimum outer radius = 150 cm – 59”
Seat depth 50 cm – 20”, minimum outer radius = 175 cm – 69”
Seat depth 60 cm – 24”, minimum outer radius = 225 cm – 89”

Three types of backrests can be mounted on the R&R Curved Benches, both on the curved inside and on the outside.

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